
4. October 2024.

U rujnu prošle godine predstavljeni su rezultati natječaja za prvi mentorski program XEnergyja „Osnaživanje žena u energetskoj tranziciji“, usmjeren na mlade žene na početku poslovne karijere. Tijekom 10 mjeseci trajanja programa, njihovi mentori, iskusni poslovni ljudi, jednom mjesečno održavali su individualne sastanke s njima. Oni su bili prilika za razmjenu iskustva i, od strane mentora, savjetovanje i usmjeravanje manje iskusnih kolegica.

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1. October 2024.

President of XEnergy at the Building Sustainable Futures conference

President of XEnergy Nela Vlahinić participated in the conference Organization, Technology and Management in Construction & IPMA Global Project Profession Forum, held under the title Building Sustainable Futures in Šibenik from September 25 to 28. The panel, titled Construction, Green Transition, and Economic Development, discussed sustainable development, the circular economy, investments in renewable energy sources in construction, the ESG framework for the construction sector, and the impact of the green transition and new energy standards on the prices of new buildings. This panel, organized by the Croatian Economic Association, was moderated by Prof. Darko Tipurić, PhD from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb. Along with Prof. Vlahinić, participants included Prof. Lana Lovrenčić Butković from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, Nataša Novaković, ESG Director of the Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP), Petar Sprčić, member of the Board of HEP, and Dinko Čondić, President of the Board of IVICOM Consulting.

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22. June 2024.

Networking and Celebration at the Wind&Wine Pre-Summer Party

We hung out at the Wind&Wine pre-summer party with many of our members and partners. We enjoyed excellent wine from our partner and sponsor Vinarija Galić, fine food providedby our new corporate member company Upgrade, and most importantly, excellent company. We welcomed the summer in the best possible way 😊.

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13. June 2024.

The 3rd round table was held

On June 7, 2024, the 3rd round table in a row was held in the organization of XEnergy – Network for the promotion of women in the energy transition, and this topic was extremely present-day : “Energy storage as a function of the flexibility of the power system and the integration of RES”.

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26. May 2024.

Another interesting networking event

On Thursday, April 23, we socialized at another interesting networking event that we organized with our corporate member Privredna banka Zagreb. We heard extremely useful and very concrete information about sustainable financing through the capital market from our guests Vedrana Jelušić Kašić and Goran Kursan.

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11. April 2024.

New XEnergy education on PPAs

On April 11, XEnergy successfully organized the second cycle of one-day trainings on contracting the purchase and sale of green electricity, i.e. PPAs. The extremely successful first training, which took place in February, showed that there are still many doubts, which were clarified to the participants this time by XEnergy experts Minea Skok, Tina Jakaša, Martina Vajdić and Saša Jovičić, as well as our guests from Professio Energia Marko Karan and Miroslav Nikolić.

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6. April 2024.

We celebrated the 1st birthday of XEnergy!

We celebrated our first birthday with numerous members, partners and dear friends who have recognized XEnergy as an important player in the green and just energy transition from the very beginning. We thank you all for your support in our first year and for the wonderful company and very joyful celebration. We would like to thank our Management Board, our Advisory Board and all our members, both individual and corporate. Our 1st XEnergy birthday sponsor, TTCables, who is also our corporate member, ensured there was no shortage of good food, drinks and music.

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5. March 2024.

A lecture by Vladislav Veselica was held

XEnergy is a networking platform where our female members together with male colleagues have the opportunity to connect, learn new information and strengthen their network of acquaintances. On Wednesday, February 28, in the wonderful premises of our dear partner KONČAR Group, we witnessed one such example.

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19. February 2024.

Xenergy held the first PPA workshop

XEnergy organized an insightful workshop on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), which was attended by 50 eager participants. The workshop provided a comprehensive understanding of practical strategies and best practices, highlighting the different types of PPAs, associated risks, risk management and many other important elements of successful #ppa negotiation and implementation. Through engaging discussions and expert-led presentations, participants gained valuable insights into the financial, operational and legal aspects of PPAs.

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27. November 2023.

Second round table was successfully held

The roundtable brought together respectable keynote speakers and panelists. On behalf of the Ministry of Finance, Ana Zorić, Director of the Economic and Financial System Administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, Ante Žigman, President of the Board of Directors of HANFA, and Magdalena Šoljakova, Head of the IFC Office for Croatia, Slovenia and North Macedonia, as well as Danijela Miloš Sprčić from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb gave an introduction to the panel discussion, which she moderated. The discussion was attended by top managers of leading Croatian companies from strategic sectors that are particularly exposed to the risks of the green transition. The following people took part in the panel discussion: Gordan Kolak, President of the Management Board of Končar Group, Martina Dalić, President of the Management Board of Podravka, Marko Ćosić, President of the Management Board of Đuro Đaković Group, Sabina Škrtić, Member of the Management Board of ENNA Group, Vedrana Jelušić Kašić, Member of the Management Board of PBZ, Mario Klarić, President of the Management Board of Professio Energia and Marko Čižmek, Member of the Management Board of Valamar Riviera.

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1. May 2023.

The round table was successfully held

XEnergy – Empowering Women in Energy Transition gathered leading energy experts to discuss the open questions of the new electricity market design reform and to present 5 key guidelines for the successful implementation of the energy transition in Croatia.

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