
Empowering women in energy transition


4. October 2024.

U rujnu prošle godine predstavljeni su rezultati natječaja za prvi mentorski program XEnergyja „Osnaživanje žena u energetskoj tranziciji“, usmjeren na mlade žene na početku poslovne karijere. Tijekom 10 mjeseci trajanja programa, njihovi mentori, iskusni poslovni ljudi, jednom mjesečno održavali su individualne sastanke s njima. Oni su bili prilika za razmjenu iskustva i, od strane mentora, savjetovanje i usmjeravanje manje iskusnih kolegica.

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1. October 2024.

President of XEnergy at the Building Sustainable Futures conference

President of XEnergy Nela Vlahinić participated in the conference Organization, Technology and Management in Construction & IPMA Global Project Profession Forum, held under the title Building Sustainable Futures in Šibenik from September 25 to 28. The panel, titled Construction, Green Transition, and Economic Development, discussed sustainable development, the circular economy, investments in renewable energy sources in construction, the ESG framework for the construction sector, and the impact of the green transition and new energy standards on the prices of new buildings. This panel, organized by the Croatian Economic Association, was moderated by Prof. Darko Tipurić, PhD from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb. Along with Prof. Vlahinić, participants included Prof. Lana Lovrenčić Butković from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, Nataša Novaković, ESG Director of the Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP), Petar Sprčić, member of the Board of HEP, and Dinko Čondić, President of the Board of IVICOM Consulting.

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25. June 2024.

New corporate member - Siemens

We are proud to introduce our 40th corporate member, another flagship of the energytransition under the leadership of Ms. Medeja Lončar in three countries (Slovenia, Croatia andSerbia), who is also a member of XEnergy’s International Advisory Board,

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Who we are

XEnergy is a non-profit organisation that brings together all stakeholders in the energy transition and promotes the affirmation of women in the sustainable development of the economy and society as a whole.

XEnergy is a platform for strengthening the role and visibility of women in the energy industry and other sectors through interdisciplinary networking and synergies between its female and male members.


Mission and vision

Misija XEnergy-a je jačanje položaja i vidljivosti žena u energetskoj tranziciji te promicanje načela održivog razvoja na lokalnoj, nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini.

Naša vizija je održivo gospodarstvo i društvo u kojem će žene i muškarci jednako doprinositi održivom razvoju gospodarstva.


Our goals

Support women from the private and public sectors in the energy transition through networking, mentoring, advising and education to increase their influence and visibility in business and society.

Accelerate the energy transition by increasing the involvement of women at all levels of sustainable business.

Promote a sustainable and socially just energy transition through the synergy of private and public sectors and civil society associations.

Our values

  • Sustainability
  • Gender equality
  • Expertise
  • Team Work

We support the UN sustainable development goals

  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Affordable and clear energy
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
Klikni za interakciju

Our partners

Our network gathers numerous reputable domestic and international partners who have recognized XEnergy as a relevant stakeholder in the green and fair energy transition.