25. April 2024.

Our members – the ambasadors of European Climate Pact

We are very pleased that our member Ani Trstenjak, in addition to 11 other distinguished representatives of non-profit organizations, business and politics, was chosen as the ambassador of the European Climate Pact in Croatia, thus joining a network of more than 800 ambassadors across the EU.

The European Climate Pact was launched by the European Commission as part of the Green Deal and helps the EU on the way to its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, i.e. it provides support on the way to conducting a green and fair transition.

The task of ambassadors is to take steps in their community to build a more sustainable Europe.

Our Ani is an alumni of the MBA Energy Economics.She started her postgraduate doctoral studies in Economics and Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Rijeka in 2019 with a doctoral dissertation closely related to sustainable development. Ani is a member of the Society for Sustainable Development (DOOR) and the Board of Directors of the French Alliance in Rijeka, and, as she points out, „a proud member of XEnergy“. Her areas of research are energy efficiency and sustainable development of tourism. “As an ambassador of the European Climate Pact, I will continue to do my best in promoting the goals of sustainable development,” says Ani.

We would also like to point out that Boris Miljavac, CEO of the Siemens Energy is the Pact ambassador since 2021.  „I feel strongly about the topics of decarbonization, energy transformation and energy efficiency and also as a part of a large organization – Siemens Energy, I fully support EU Fit for 55 plan. I will contribute by using my network to raise understanding of energy solutions for a sustainable future. Energy is an essential part of our lives and it is our responsibility to use environmental-friendly technologies that will respond to needs of the energy market as well as preserve the planet“, Boris said.

Well done Ani, well done Boris, we are very proud that you are part of the XEnergy network!