11. February 2024.

New corporate member - HOPS

We are particularly pleased to present our new corporate member HOPS, a key company for the success of the energy transition in Croatia. HOPS is the Croatian transmission system operator, the owner of the entire Croatian transmission network (voltage levels 400kV, 220kV and 110kV) and provides the transmission of electricity as a regulated public service. It operates according to the model of an independent transmission system operator and manages the regulatory area of the Croatian electricity system (EES). In the interest of secure and high-quality electricity supply to customers and electricity exchange, the Croatian EES is interconnected with the EES of neighboring countries and other ENTSO-E members which together form a synchronous network in continental Europe.

HOPS not only manages the EES of the Republic of Croatia, but is also responsible for electricity transmission, maintenance, development and construction of the transmission grid, which is why its role in achieving the goals of the Green Deal and the energy transition is invaluable. Without proper development of the network, the integration of renewable energy and the decarbonization that the Republic of Croatia is striving for will not be possible.

In 2024, HOPS is investing 200 million euros in the development of the transmission network, of which 140 million euros are planned from EU funds. One of the outstanding investments this year concerns the reconstruction of transformer stations damaged by earthquakes and the rehabilitation of transmission lines affected by last year’s major storm – says Igor Ivanković, President of the HOPS Management Board. In addition, a significant number of high-voltage facilities are approaching the end of their working life, and the security of supply and reliability of the transmission network will be ensured by the above-mentioned measures. The implementation of the project ‘Revitalization, construction and digitalization of the energy system and supporting infrastructure for the decarbonization of the energy sector’ from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOO), which HOPS signed in September 2022, is also underway. The NPOO is investing in 11 projects, from increasing the transmission capacity of the grid to upgrading existing transmission lines and the submarine cable replacement program, with a total value of 218 million euros and a completion date of mid-2026.