
Women in the energy transition

XEnergy represents policies and measures that increase the visibility of women engaged in work related to the development of renewable sources, energy efficiency, innovative and low-carbon technologies, green finance, etc.

By encouraging the topics of women’s role in the energy transition, we contribute to the sustainability and acceleration of the green transition, and at the same time we strengthen the role and influence of XEnergy and its members on the decision-making of policy makers.

Nela Vlahinić XEnergy Zastupanje

Despite the fact that women make up 39% of the global workforce, they are represented by only 22% in the energy sector. Their share in management levels is even smaller – only one out of five leading positions in the energy sector is held by women.

The obstacles women face in the energy sector are similar to those in other economic sectors, however the challenges of the energy sector and the energy transition are far more pressing for society as the energy sector and related industries and services are undergoing a process of deep transformation. The transition to clean energy requires the adoption of innovative technological solutions and business models with the help of different knowledge, competences, skills and talents.

In order to promote the role and visibility of women, at the end of each year XEnergy will present an inspiring woman in the field of energy transition who has made a significant contribution to sustainable development and can and should be a role model, especially for students and young women at the beginning of their careers.

By giving attention to creative, hardworking and persistent women, we create an atmosphere in the public that will be more sensitized to issues of gender equality and different, subtle or less subtle barriers that women face on their professional path.

The fact that XEnergy gathers members and influences changes through the synergy of the work of female and male colleagues, is our advantage and a guarantee that changes will happen faster. Through work in various committees, our experts formulate and propose solutions that will be publicly discussed at round tables, panel discussions and conferences, and our goal is to contribute to a faster energy and gender transition that will benefit everyone.