1. May 2023.

The round table was successfully held

XEnergy – Empowering Women in Energy Transition gathered leading energy experts to discuss the open questions of the new electricity market design reform and to present 5 key guidelines for the successful implementation of the energy transition in Croatia.

Roundtable xenergy

After the European Commission proposed the new electricity market design model in March 2023, the European Parliament and member states now need to develop a legal framework to promote greater use of renewable energy, prevent sharp fluctuations in energy prices and make the industry cleaner and more globally competitive. On this occasion, XEnergy organised a round table “New models of electricity market design to accelerate the energy transition”, where a proposal for a new model of electricity market organisation was presented and many open questions were discussed in a panel discussion.

Members of Xenergy participated in the panel discussion: Lahorko Wagmann, PhD, Director of the Electricity Sector in the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA), Minea Skok, PhD, Chair of the Scientific Council in the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP), Tina Jakaša, Head of Energy Product Development in PETROL, Martina Biondić, Secretary of XEnergy, Darjan Budimir, Deputy Director of the Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE), Saša Jovičić, Partner at Wolf Theiss, Antun Andrić, Director of the Market Sector of the Croatian Transmission System Operator (HOPS) and Martina Vajdić, Market Manager of the Croatian Power Exchange (CROPEX).

The introductory presentation was given by Lahorko Wagmann, which you can see here (pdf document in Croatian)
After the introductory presentation, our members discussed numerous issues and agreed that a stable regulatory framework will be key to the success of the reform, allowing investments in the electricity networks and flexibility of the system and its users. It is important to make meaningful use of location criteria in tenders, remove administrative barriers to the development of energy sharing, coordinate the development of strategic documents and simplify the granting of permits. At the same time, they stressed that the coordination of stakeholders during the implementation of public tenders throughout the year is essential for the successful implementation of the energy transition.

Roundtable xenergy

Read more about the conclusions of the meeting here:

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