4. October 2023.

PBZ - new corporate member of XEnergy

Ponosni smo što je naš novi korporativni član postalaPrivredna banka Zagreb d. d.

We are proud to announce that our new corporate member has become Privredna banka Zagreb d. d.
PBZ is part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of the leading banking groups in Europe with a strong commitment to ESG in its operations and a commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 for its own emissions and by 2050 for its loan and investment portfolios. PBZ strongly supports projects that contribute to sustainable development and, in this sense, is very focused on financing projects that include energy efficiency, environmental protection, renewable energy sources and sustainable development. The Sustainable Business Goals integrate three key factors, namely environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects, which also include criteria for the circular economy and green projects.

Vedrana Jelusic Kasic, Member of the PBZ Management Board and XEnergy Advisory Board, states:

“PBZ is helping its clients to shape a new economic ecosystem, and the circular economy and sustainable development represent a great opportunity for all participants in the economy and their integration to achieve a common goal. In the corporate business segment, we have developed credits for our customers for sustainable business and for investment in digital transformation. We believe it is important to strengthen communication with our clients on ESG outcomes by defining a measurable set of key objectives, and we have just launched a project with ESG workshops organized throughout Croatia, mainly for SME clients.”

XEnergy recognizes the importance of the financial sector to the green transformation and is therefore particularly looking forward to working with our new corporate member in the future.