4. October 2024.

ANNOUNCEMENT: New education on sustainable energy systems in buildings

XEnergy is organizing a new training on November 27th in Zagreb (Sky Office, Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9) on the topic “Sustainable Energy Systems in Buildings Solar Technologies and Energy Sharing in Practice.”

The successful implementation of the energy transition largely relies on the active participation of end customers in the electricity market. The training will clearly show, or demystify, the possible ways of actively participating in the electricity market in Croatia (production and/or storage of electricity generated on one’s own premises, energy sharing, joint customers, communities, etc.) through the provisions of the legal framework and practical examples. It will highlight the currently open issues as well as ongoing activities regarding the simplification or removal of administrative requirements, and the adaptation of business processes and necessary contracts with operators. There will be an overview of the potential of multi-apartment buildings as collective active customers and an explanation of the novelties in the Building Management and Maintenance Act, which for the first time introduces a community of co-owners with its own legal personality. Additionally, the role of suppliers in sustainable energy sharing and the positive changes expected from the recently adopted EU Directives (RED III and in terms of improving the electricity market model in the Union) will also be discussed.

Speakers and lecture topics:

  • Snježana Blagajac, M.Sc., HERA, Electricity Sector: Active Consumer Participation in the Electricity Market
  • Danijela Žaja (HEP – Distribution System Operator Ltd., Director of the Measurement and Market Support Sector): Measurement Services and Energy Sharing in Practice
  • Tihana Posavec Vlašić, partner at PVM law firm: New Rules of the Game: What’s New in the Building Management and Maintenance Act?
  • Ivona Štritof, M.Sc., Interenergo, Director for Croatia: The Potential of Multi-Apartment Buildings as Collective Active Consumers
  • Tina Jakaša, M.Sc., Petrol, Director: The Role of Suppliers and Active Consumers in Sustainable Energy Sharing: Challenges and Opportunities in Buildings,

Moderator: Minea Skok, PhD, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board at XEnergy (EIHP).

The price for members is 200 Euro + VAT, for others 250 + VAT

Registration is available here: Link for sign up