5. March 2024.

A lecture by Vladislav Veselica was held

XEnergy is a networking platform where our female members together with male colleagues have the opportunity to connect, learn new information and strengthen their network of acquaintances. On Wednesday, February 28, in the wonderful premises of our dear partner KONČAR Group, we witnessed one such example.

About thirty gathered people had the opportunity to enjoy in an extremely interesting and emotional presentation on how to implement Eastern philosophy in your business practice. The presentation was held by JANAF Plc Board member Vladislav Veselica. And, among other things, find out many interesting details about Japanese (business) culture and philosophy of approach to life. Did you know that among the world’s 10 largest banks by assets, 8 are Japanese? Many of us gathered were not familiar with that information. And that’s just one detail.

After the lecture, we had a pleasant time socializing in an informal atmosphere.

Many thanks to our dear guest and our hosts, the KONČAR Group and its President of the Managent Board Mr. Gordan Kolak.