15. June 2023.

Presentation of the first Xenergy mentoring programme

XEnergy – Empowering Women in Energy Transition presented the first mentoring programme entitled “Empowerment of Women in the Energy Transition”. In front of our members, partners and dear guests, the head of the mentoring programme, Martina Biondić, explained in more detail what this programme will look like and introduced our outstanding mentors: Nina Dusper Sušić, Tina Jakaša, Vedrana Jelušić Kašić, Ivona Štritof and Zorana Obradović.

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The aim of this mentoring programme is to enhance and guide the careers of young women, graduate students and women at the beginning of their careers whose area of interest is the energy transition, as well as to promote mutual empowerment of women, knowledge transfer and networking.

The EU Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025. states that gender equality must be achieved in the EU by 2025. The main goal is to eliminate gender stereotypes, eliminate gender gaps in the labour market, achieve equal participation in the different sectors of the economy, tackle gender gaps in wages and pensions, eliminate gender gaps in care and achieve gender balance in decision-making and policies. One of the first actions of the EU Commission was the binding proposal on pay transparency measures adopted on 8 March 2022, while a major turning point was the adoption of the Women on Boards Directive, which aims to improve gender balance on the boards of the largest listed companies in the EU. on the stock exchange. After ten years of negotiations, this directive was finally adopted on 22 November 2022.

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This mentoring programme aims to promote progress in the field of gender equality, encourage gender-aware policies and promote specific measures for the better position of women. The programme also aims to promote women’s careers and lead to better:

  • Representation of women at management and decision-making levels
  • Encouraging social change, facilitating new ideas
  • Promoting networking
  • Helping participants develop specific goals towards which they can act strategically.

Participation in the mentoring programme is of great benefit to both the mentorees and our mentors.

For mentorees:

  • Gaining experience from experienced professionals
  • Strengthening self-confidence, overcoming weaknesses
  • Specific goals and activities for career advancement
  • Personal development: potential, skills and values
  • Innovative ideas and strategic thinking

For mentors:

  • Insights into the issues of younger generations
  • Facilitating the development of young talent
  • Encouragement of women in professional life
  • Knowledge transfer and reputation as a mentor

The competition text is available here.

If you meet all the conditions of the competition and are interested in applying, please send us your CV and a description of your interests and background to

For more information, you can contact the Head of the Mentoring Programme Martina Biondić at

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