29. June 2023.

WPD - a new corporate member

The circle of our corporate members has expanded to include another very successful company in the field of energy transition and renewable energy sources. Wpd Adria is a regional subsidiary of the German wpd AG, one of the leading companies in the use of renewable energy and currently the largest developer of on-shore wind farms in Germany. The wpd AG group has implemented projects with an installed capacity of 6,110 MW worldwide and currently has 15,775 MW on-shore wind power projects and 3,235 MW photovoltaic projects under development. The Croatian branch of wpd Adria is investigating potential sites for future projects in Croatia and countries in the region and is preparing for a new development cycle. The company has so far successfully implemented four major projects in Croatia: VE Trtar – Krtolin, VE Orlice, VE Katuni and VE Ponikve, with a total installed capacity of almost 100 MW. In addition to wind farms, they also offer the development of hybrid plants that would use wind and solar energy. Such projects not only contribute directly to increasing the production of green energy, but also bring long-term benefits to local government through a direct contribution to the budget.

We are pleased to point out that wpd AG is a company that places great emphasis on promoting the sustainable development of the community in which it operates through various programmes. Wpd not only contributes to the supply of green electricity, but also offsets part of the CO2 emissions it generates itself.

Welcome and we look forward to working with you in the future!