Networking events

An extremely important factor for successful professional development is business contacts and networking. That is why we offer various forms and opportunities to get in touch with colleagues as part of our networking platform for empowering women in the energy transition – XEnergy.

We organise various events such as round tables with discussions, study visits to interesting power plants and companies that are successfully implementing low-carbon technologies and the energy transition, as well as various meetings that serve the business development of our members.

Take advantage of all the networking benefits and advance your career!

Our events

Networking and Celebration at the Wind&Wine Pre-Summer Party

We hung out at the Wind&Wine pre-summer party with many of our members and partners. We enjoyed excellent wine from our partner and sponsor Vinarija Galić, fine food providedby our new corporate member company Upgrade, and most importantly, excellent company. We welcomed the summer in the best possible way 😊.

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Another interesting networking event

On Thursday, April 23, we socialized at another interesting networking event that we organized with our corporate member Privredna banka Zagreb. We heard extremely useful and very concrete information about sustainable financing through the capital market from our guests Vedrana Jelušić Kašić and Goran Kursan.

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We celebrated the 1st birthday of XEnergy!

We celebrated our first birthday with numerous members, partners and dear friends who have recognized XEnergy as an important player in the green and just energy transition from the very beginning. We thank you all for your support in our first year and for the wonderful company and very joyful celebration. We would like to thank our Management Board, our Advisory Board and all our members, both individual and corporate. Our 1st XEnergy birthday sponsor, TTCables, who is also our corporate member, ensured there was no shortage of good food, drinks and music.

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A lecture by Vladislav Veselica was held

XEnergy is a networking platform where our female members together with male colleagues have the opportunity to connect, learn new information and strengthen their network of acquaintances. On Wednesday, February 28, in the wonderful premises of our dear partner KONČAR Group, we witnessed one such example.

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